XL1_d gradient neckpiece

XL1_d gradient neckpiece


An opulent jewellery, the XL1_d gradient neckpiece is algorithmically generated in the digital environment and is materialized by stringing together variable laser cut two-dimensional sections. The shape is obtained by the fluid deformation of a square section through flattening, rotation and elongation processes to generate a symmetrical shape. Adding a colour gradient over the soft geometry enhance the formal variation. Is not recommended to be wear on bare skin.

Material: Transparent plexiglass – coloured un one side – 3mm thick

3d printed magnetic fasteners – black mat ABS plastic

Size: 180x320x55 mm

About the Sequence collection

The Sequence collection translates into the physical environment the virtual algorithmic process of formal generation that is implied into the materialized jewellery. Thus, diffuse structures are obtained, which rely on transparency, gradients, overlaps and reflections to remind the form they come from.



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