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7 products

  • 1,184.05

    Rhino 8 Commercial for Windows and Mac

    (995 euro + VAT / 5175 lei + VAT)

    The latest Rhino 8 software for commercial use.

    This is a single user licence.
  • 708.05

    Rhino 8 Commercial for Windows and Mac – Upgrade

    (595 euro + VAT / 3095 lei + VAT) 

    Upgrade for older Rhino versions to the latest software.

    This is a single user licence.
  • 232.05

    Rhino 8 Educational for Windows and Mac

    (195 euro + VAT / 1015 lei + VAT) Now available for purchase using a Sodexo/Pluxee card. Price for using this payment method will be 1320 lei (incl. VAT).

    The latest Rhino software for educational use.

    This is a single user licence. A proof of educational status is needed for the purchase of this licence. [spb_icon_box box_type="left-icon-alt" box_icon_type="icon" icon="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" animate_svg="no" target="_self" animation="none" animation_delay="0" icon_color="#fc0000" animated_box_style="coloured" animated_box_rounded="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] This product cannot be purchased online. Please contact us for aquisition. [/spb_icon_box] [sf_button colour="lightgrey" type="standard" size="standard" link="" target="_self" icon="fas fa-angle-right" dropshadow="no" rounded="no" extraclass=""]Contact us[/sf_button]
  • 1,160.25

    Rhino 8 Educational for Windows and Mac – Lab licence

    (975 euro + VAT / 5070 lei + VAT)

    The latest Rhino software for educational use as a lab licence.

    This is a Lab licence with 30 users available. The Zoo or Zoo cloud are required for licence management. They are free. A proof of educational status is needed for the purchase of this licence. [spb_icon_box box_type="left-icon-alt" box_icon_type="icon" icon="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" animate_svg="no" target="_self" animation="none" animation_delay="0" icon_color="#fc0000" animated_box_style="coloured" animated_box_rounded="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] This product cannot be purchased online. Please contact us for aquisition. [/spb_icon_box] [sf_button colour="lightgrey" type="standard" size="standard" link="" target="_self" icon="fas fa-angle-right" dropshadow="no" rounded="no" extraclass=""]Contact us[/sf_button]
  • 351.05

    Rhino 8 Educational for Windows and Mac – Lab licence upgrade

    (295 euro + VAT / 1535 lei + VAT) 

    Upgrade for older Rhino lab licence versions to the latest software for educational use.

    This is a Lab licence with 30 users available. The Zoo or Zoo cloud are required for licence management. They are free. A proof of educational status is needed for the purchase of this licence. [spb_icon_box box_type="left-icon-alt" box_icon_type="icon" icon="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" animate_svg="no" target="_self" animation="none" animation_delay="0" icon_color="#fc0000" animated_box_style="coloured" animated_box_rounded="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] This product cannot be purchased online. Please contact us for aquisition. [/spb_icon_box] [sf_button colour="lightgrey" type="standard" size="standard" link="" target="_self" icon="fas fa-angle-right" dropshadow="no" rounded="no" extraclass=""]Contact us[/sf_button]
  • 113.05

    Rhino 8 Educational for Windows and Mac – Upgrade

    (95 euro + VAT / 495 lei + VAT)

    Upgrade for older Rhino versions to the latest software for educational use.

    This is a single user licence. A proof of educational status is needed for the purchase of this licence. [spb_icon_box box_type="left-icon-alt" box_icon_type="icon" icon="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" animate_svg="no" target="_self" animation="none" animation_delay="0" icon_color="#fc0000" animated_box_style="coloured" animated_box_rounded="yes" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] This product cannot be purchased online. Please contact us for aquisition. [/spb_icon_box] [sf_button colour="lightgrey" type="standard" size="standard" link="" target="_self" icon="fas fa-angle-right" dropshadow="no" rounded="no" extraclass=""]Contact us[/sf_button]
  • 541.21

    V-Ray Solo for Rhino – Annual Subscription

    (454,80 euro + VAT / 2365 lei + VAT)

    The latest V-Ray Solo for Rhino software for commercial use.

    Fixed license on one computer. Includes all V-Ray integrations. Chaos Cosmos content library. This is a annual subscription single user licence.
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